Thursday, October 9, 2014

KSU Men's Script

Starts with a close up of KSU Men's banner
Cuts to the B-roll of KSU Men's meeting
Interview with Sage Gerard
Shot of Broll
Interview with Ameena Douglas(student)
Interview with Ashley Richards (student)
Shot of B-roll
Interview with Michael Foster
Shot of B-roll
Closing statements

Introduction to the video
"The Subject of Men's rights vs women's right have been a hotly debated topic for the better part of a century. Ksu Men is a non-feminist club on campus which has drawn a lot of controversy as of late in response to their stance on women's rights.

Sage Gerard, the president and founder of the club, has been the group's most outspoken voice. He states that much of the opposition of KSU Men, also known as KSUM is unfounded.

Narration and B-roll : Still KSU Men remains at the forefront of controversy as many students on campus either have mixed emotions, or are completely against it.

The Group holds a meeting every Monday and Thursday at 4:30 pm and is open to both male and female members. As it stands right now, KSUM has a total of 17 members, 5 of which are females.

The upcoming KSUM conference, scheduled in November is set to be protested by those who disagree with the purpose of the club.

As of now, KSU Men remains active on campus. This is Matthew Gillies and Bart Stever reporting for KSU News.

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